Unleash The Beasts Of War

After having heard Bestial War Metal you naively believed that the necroteutonic monsters of Warkvlt had somehow 'peaked' and their couldn't possibly be an album more vile, more evil and more depraved than what preceded? You thought wrong. Enter the masterpiece of gruesome darkness, the primal bestial ferocious atrocity that owns all things horrific... yes, the penultimate testament to horror, the magnum opus of bestial blackened death metal Unleash the Beasts of War. No words can describe the trauma that this album can cause inadequate (aka fragile) listeners. Of note is the inclusion of covers from other bands, notably the dark masters of violence Leader (track 14), the diabolical terrorizers SEWER (track 16), the epicurean gargantuan colossus Helgrind (track 18) and of course, the originator of pure satanic darkness Phantom (track 20). All rights go to the respective owners for these cover tracks of evil.

Released 2022

Warkvlt Legions
